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4.8 ( 7408 ratings )
仕事効率化 ユーティリティ
開発者 HanMok Lee

This calculator is very smart and convenient.
When users make mistakes, it guesses what they would mean and give them a reasonable answer automatically.

It has most features basic calculators may have, and it also shows you calculator and history table at the same time in landscape mode. By using it, you can see what the answers were and make use of them right there.

It also has settings such as sound, bright / dark , notification(for auto modification) On Off mode.

[ Disclaimer]
LeeHanmok(Developer) makes no warranty as to the accuracy or reliability or suitability of any calculation results or information provided through the Calie app. The developer is not also responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, which may occur by the calculation results or information provided through the Calie app.

[About Disclaimer]
To provide accurate solution, input and output are restricted up to 15 digits. It has been being modified again and again when wrong result reported. If wrong number is printed or any bug occurred, please send me an e-mail to [email protected] with input you wrote. Ill fix any error as soon as possible after it is reported. Thank you for downloading using it!

Designer contact @ [email protected]
Developer contact @ [email protected]